Personal Overdraft

A short term facility that allows you overdraw 50% of your salary.

Convenient terms of repayment

Repay with an interest rate from as low as 2% of the amount borrowed every 30 days when your salary is paid.

Benefits of an Overdraft

  • 1. Get up to 50% of your salary
  • 2. Repay with interest rates as low as 2%+ MPR
  • 3.The facility is renewable every 180 days (depending on the outcome)
  • 4. Gives you the money you need when you do not have sufficient funds in your account
  •  5. Considerate, structured and convenient terms of repayment
UBA Salary Advance

Target Audience

1. Executives, partners and middle-level management staff of reputable organizations in the private or public sector who are confirmed counterparties
2. Individuals whose salaries must have been paid through UBA (for at least 1 month)
3. UBA account holders
4. Individuals who do not have a history of returned cheques due to insufficient funds

How to apply for an Overdraft

Complete and submit a UBA Consumer Loan Application to a Customer Service Officer at any UBA Branch. 

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