The design and installation of a “World Class” fully integrated Human Resource/Pensions/Payroll System at “No Cost” to the client.
A web-based payment solution that enables electronic payment to any 3rd party (suppliers, customers, and staff).
HRIS has the capability to move money from the customers UBA account and pay into accounts with any bank.
- Simply automates existing payment authorization process
- Maker-Checker structure and workflow accommodate multiple signatories before payment
- Web-based feature allows customers to use HRIS from any location with internet access.
- Source accounts of customers can be in UBA or any other bank
- Comprehensive reports on all transactions.
- Data entry using file upload, onscreen data entry module and libraries.
- Eliminates writing of cheques
- Secure and reliable
- Gives instant value to beneficiaries (within UBA)
- Downloadable transaction reports
- Transactions carried out at Customers location
- Internet Access
- Account with UBA
- Mandate to authorize accounts to be debited as source accounts for payment

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